Please carefully read the following terms and conditions as when you purchase any of the products from our web site (greenteahawaii.com), you agree to the following terms and conditions. Your order will not be processed unless you check the box near the terms and conditions signifying that you have read and agreed to the terms.
For questions regarding terms please contact us at greenteahawaii.com or call 866-960-1548.
The Loyalty Program was designed to help customers stay healthy with a fresh, monthly supply of GreenTeaHawaii at a discount. Upon enrolling in the Loyalty Program, you will select the products you want and then every 30 days thereafter we will send out another order of fresh GreenTea Hawaii.
You are not obligated to continue the Loyalty Program after your THIRD month of enrollment (there is a $20 fee per box for cancelling before your 3rd shipment/month). You may opt out of the Loyalty Program. We simply ask that you change or cancel your order before we ship your order (typically 3-5 days before your regular shipment date). All Loyalty Program orders will be shipped by the 5th or 20th of the month, depending upon which week (1st week or 3rd week) you are enrolled in.
Promotions that include a "free" gift (such as Noni, t-shirt, etc.) are only included in the initial order.
You may cancel your GreenTea Hawaii Loyalty Program by calling our toll free customer service line 866-960-1548 or by emailing customerservice@greenteahawaii.com.
The Loyalty Program will automatically contact you (the consumer) in the event of an expired or invalid credit or debit card. All credit and debit card transactions will occur upon shipping of the product. This will either be the 1st -5th day of the month or the 15th-20th day of the month if enrolling in the Loyalty Program. If your credit or debit card is declined, you will have 30 days to provide a new and valid number. After 30 days, your account will automatically be canceled.